Thursday, June 02, 2005

Get pumped

I'm about to do something I promised myself I'd never do again. I'm about to start going to the gym again.

I was a gym junkie in my late teens and early to mid 20's but the lure of beer and bongs and generally turning into a lazy bastard put pay to that. A few things has changed my mind on the whole health thing. One of which is that I'm no longer able to rely on the stamina and strength that youth gives you in spades. Not that I'm feeling old or am old - at least I don't think so. 31 is hardly retirement age.

It's just that I find it harder to bounce back after a big night and I realised my overall fitness that came so naturally is starting to fall away due to lack of attention. I decided it was time to do something about it a while ago but couldn't find anything I wanted to do that badly.

Then I met Mel. Mel is a wonderful woman and almost the opposite to me in many ways. She doesn't smoke, hardly drinks, has no inclination to try drugs, and she plays first grade soccer. Whereas I like a smoke and a drink and while I'm not into chemicals I have been there before. I haven't played competative sports since high school and I'm not that keen on team sports prefering to rely on myself than letting anyone else decide if I/we succeed.

So how do we even get along? Well for a start Mel rides a tidy little SRV250 V-twin. One little bike I could really see turning into a cool cafe racer. For another thing she isn't some air head floating about. Mel has a spine and a plan for what she wants in life - I find that so attractive and I can really respect someone like that. Another thing - she is genuinly happy with her life, something I can't remember seeing in anyone else in such a long time.

What does Mel see in me? I still don't know, and I hope like hell she continues to see it. I'm not about to make grandiose statements that she is the one, not yet at least, but she make me feel good about being me and I feel like I want to lift my game when I'm around her.

So, now I have a work out program and a free gym membership thanks to work. I really have no excuse anymore. I honestly can't say if I'll stick to it or not but I am going to give myself a chance and see how it goes. Just the idea that I'm doing something positive for myself is a real upper, it makes me feel motivated and like I'm about to achieve something.

Wish me luck,

Catch you later.