Thursday, September 15, 2005

Converting the masses

I've decided to travel around the blogosphere, as a virtual apostle, courtesy of the "next blog" button and I have a mission. That mission is to spread the gospel according to Jaked. At this point it's pretty basic and could use some work but I don't see any reason to hold back just because it's totally half arsed. It'll fill out as a sort of organic growth on my brain and may even help the sad, lonely and weird to be less so.

Basically, each time I come across some angst filled individual, struggling with life's little nut crackers, I intend to pass on my way to happiness and fulfilment - get a motorcycle. Whoa! I here you say, but just think about it. A motorcycle is a great mood lifter and once out there it allows for some really deep thought moments. It's very spiritual, believe you me. Jesus would ride, I take that as a given. Not some Harley or some uber sports weapon. I'm sure His choice would be quite sensible but ride He would. It's not as if He'd have to worry about leathers or the like either, so He'd no doubt get really into it. I can see Him on a Honda CT110 Step thru delivering the Message like God's Mailman, or maybe a VFR800, that would work too.

Any way I digress, or I don't, either way that's what I plan to do. It's a sound message and one that is worth spreading. Wish me and Him luck. Catch you later...


J. Otto Pohl said...

Well now that I am in Arivaca one of the great stops of American Harley riders I will consider getting a bike. It will of course take me about a century to save up that much money. Thanks for stopping by the diaspora carnival.

andro said...

Thanks for dropping by. As a matter of fact, I'll buy me a Harley-style bike some time next year.

Jaked said...

Hey folks, thanks for dropping in. You should all feel special, given that you make up around 75% of my readership to date ;-).

I feel my pathetic attempt to change the world to a bike riding uber community is picking up steam. Join me and we will change the world! Or just annoy some's all good.

Mystic, I've never ridden in the States, my time spent there was when I was too young to talk and then later when I was too youn to drive. If our useless dollar ever gets to be worth anything then I'd love to go back for a proper travelling holiday. Favourite part of Secretary? Hmmmm, there's a loaded question - I thought the scene of her in stocks was pretty sexy, she moved with much grace given the restictions. But enough of my peccidilios....

Hope you all get bored enough to drop back in..

Catch you later...