Wednesday, September 14, 2005

Coming up - Track Day and Melbourne Bike Expo

In a mere couple of days the best possible combination of events, somewhat like the planets aligning, is too occur. I'm talking here about an orgy of blokey-maness. I celebration of testosterone and adrenaline, a fever of steel and petrol fueled madness akin to the best sex without the diseases and prengency. I'm talking here folks, of a bike weekend.

This Saturday I and a few mates are heading down to Phillip Island to pit man and machine against ummm....other men and machines. In other words I'm off to another HRCA track day. On hand will be the cream of Honda's sports bike crop, which I hope to lap up and lap around the track, often.

So that's my Saturday taken care of, what about Sunday I hear you say? Well I'm glad you asked, it's the annual Melbourne Motorcycle Expo! Yay! Double Yay with oggie-knobs on! I'm heading to that drool-fest with my good lady Mel and her newly bike mad mate Dimi. Between us we will site on each and every machine present and bother countless happless sales stooges with many and varied questions such as "does her bum look big in that?" and can I "pleeeease have a test ride, I wont pull monos (much)?". Can you guess which question will be asked by whom?

Yes peoples, this truly is better than sex and I am to get some group action going. Wish me luck for Saturday and fun for Sunday.

Catch you later...

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