Tuesday, May 16, 2006


I find this to be one anniversary I don't miss. If for no other reason than my beloved Essendon take on the stinking refuse that is Collingwood.

I spent the early part of the day meeting up with friends and taking time to go for a ride out west through some dull road, some fun roads and some contemplative roads. We spent the morning enjoying ourselves just as we pleased. The destination was a quiet country town, the corner shop sold milk, bread and ammo just to give you an idea. We turned up just as the commemoration ceremony was under way. I was moved to stand amongst the locals and my friends and listen to the old digger doing the talking and listening to the Last Stand.

My freedom and way of life was paid for by the men of my country, fighting Europe's wars and then our own on the so-near boarders of Singapore, Thailand, New Guinea... These same young fighting men and the women of the nursing corps put it all on the line so blokes like me could live the life I'm living. So, when I think about the irreverent and fun way I spent ANZAC Day on my motorcycle, I don't feel like I've let them down or I'm wasting my time. Instead, I feel that I am paying them the respect due to them by using and enjoying my time and freedom as I choose, since that's just what these poor buggers fought for - our rights and the defeat of tyranny.

I'm very proud and very grateful of my countrymen now gone. Lest we forget.

Catch you later.

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