Monday, August 15, 2005

Finger's crossed this post actually gets in without being lost during the last save.

So, had a big weekend and was made to pay yesterday and I still feel RS today too. Bloody bourbon. Mel (see below) made me dinner on Friday night and gave us both mild food poisoning so that didn't help either. I blame the butter. Besides that it was a pretty good strog for a first attempt.

I've often considered getting into more political postings but given that they are covered with greater detail on better blogs than this I'll just stick to stuff most relevant to me. That, and I want to avoid some psycho muslim starting a jihad on me ;-).....ahhh screw them, give them all a bomb and plonk them in a desert far from everyone not insane and let them get martyred as fast as possible. "religion of peace" my arse, I hope we take the same approach as the poms and expel any and all foreign nationals who support/ promote/ participate in any activity counter productive to Australian national security. And if they are Aussie, jail the scum.

Well well well, it fucked up again AFTER I saved my changes this time. I went back to this post after adding and carefully saving eveything and still at least three paragraphs are gone. Great, very professional blog site this one. I'm going to have to start BLR somewhere else as this place is a joke.

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